Sunday, August 22, 2010

What Is The Spinning Cross On Mw2

apple harvest and more ...

it is time for me to once again show something creative to me. Long as I've not reported. Everyday life has us back under control. Timothy was indeed now enrolled in school too, and as it is called only once in the afternoon to do homework. That's it for now quite unusual. Jasmine also had a good start at school, but the bus will not find so beautiful. She is now home for lunch later. With us everything is somehow different. I must also set out once and me get used to. Sometimes it can all be quite stressful. In the last two weeks I had the afternoon and evening also extremely busy schedule, so I had no time for my creative work. I missed quite a bit. Now it can again slowly losgehen.Ich did not even have time for my blog round. But I will do now for the first time in the next few days, because now is not much time to go to sleep. The alarm clock rings now much earlier (at 5:45 clock). That's almost the middle of the night. I'm curious what you so you have in the meantime everything as sewing, embroidery and handicrafts. Solte anyone still waiting for an email from me, do not worry I've forgotten anyone. Everything will be answered. Thank you for your understanding.
You see, I made some apples and stars. And as always, it is supposed to remain not only in these specimens. The apples are by the way after a presentation from the book Dekoliebe Imke Johannson.

from the stars I will make these star chains. I think the star does not match up right with the others. What do you think?

I wish you a great start into the new week.


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