be Today, most Web site template with a table-less structure that is implemented with layers (so-called div-layers). For correct and valid HTML implementation in which nice column layouts one can not pass a "clearing" Layer. This level is there to complete the appropriate columns on a clean horizontal line. Thus, the following levels are all positioned on a line.
This then is the clear layer is working properly and not visible to the design of this intervention should be as follows:
div # clear { div.clear
or height: 1px;
line-height: 1px;
font -size: 0;
clear: left; clear: both;
width: 100%; / / new}
If some of the affected planes floated right (float: right) are, it is necessary instead of "clear: . Left, "the property" clear: to use both "
For more information about floating problems and opportunities can be found in the article float the theory
Update: 10/08/2010
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