CSS Fonts standardization
common problem of object use with relative font sizes is to normalize the font size. This is a fixed physical font size of 13 pixels (using the Yahoo YUI Fonts CSS ) defines what is in the main CSS file inside loaded as follows:
@ import url ("fonts.css");
From here on, all fonts with percentages specified relative, based on the 13 pixels. For example, a font size of 12 pixels by 93% is defined as follows:
content div # p, div # content li, div # content td p {font
-size: 93%;
div # content li li {
font-size: 100%;}
These CSS properties all font sizes can be on almost all browsers display the same font size in which it will be in our CMS backend WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE) pixels accurately. This provides, incidentally, the relative font sizes display for accessible websites.
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