Thursday, October 9, 2008

This Looks Like A Spam Or Pfish

PNG support in the old Internet Explorer (5.x/6.x)

Today, we have found a very simple and useful code snippet on with which you can use in old browsers Internet Explorer 5 and 6 the PNG support, and their real transparency.

It simply requires a JavaScript in the head of the HTML code which is based on the loaded HTML page for all existing PNG image files and analyzed them in a SPAN with the effective converts PNG transparency.
With the Conditional days to ensure that this is only in browsers that do not support PNG as Internet Explorer (5.x and 6.x) is loaded: lt if
 \u0026lt;!--[ IE 7]> Send "
src="/_local/templates/scripts/pngsupporter.js"> \u0026lt;/ script>
\u0026lt;[endif] ->

This modification this in our CMS and otherwise a little better and is applied correctly, this was modified by us anything.

File pngsupport.js with PNG support function is as follows:

 correctPNG function () {handle 
/ * correctly PNG transparency in Win IE 5.5 & 6 * / var

arVersion navigator.appVersion.split = ("MSIE");
was version = parseFloat (full version or upgrade sion [1]);

if ((version> = 5.5) & & (document.body.filters)) {
for (var i = 0; i \u0026lt;document.images.length ; i + +) {img =
was document.images [i];
was imgName img.src.toUpperCase = ();
if (imgName.substring (imgName.length-3, imgName.length) == "PNG") {
was imgID = ( 'Id =' "+ +" '":" ";
was imgClass = (img.className)? "Class = '" + img.className + "'": "";
was imgTitle = (img.title) ? 'Title =' "+ img.title +" '"' title = '" + img.alt + "'";
was imgStyle = "display: inline-block;" +;
if ( img.align == "left") imgStyle = "float: left;" + imgStyle;
if (img.align == "right") imgStyle = "float: right;" + imgStyle;
if (img.parentElement. href) imgStyle = "cursor: hand;" + imgStyle;
was strNewHTML = "\u0026lt;span style="\\" src="'" sizingmethod="'scale');\\"> \u0026lt;/ span>";
img.outerHTML = StrNewHTML;
i = i-1;}


} window.attachEvent ("onload", correctPNG) Please do

is still valid, that the appropriate level with the PNG image to an enclosed DIV tag is not so that the upper node set is overwritten:
\u0026lt;img id = "left_collage_bottom" src ="../ images / bg_collage.png "alt =" "width =" 323 "height =" 190 "/>
\u0026lt;/ div>

now appears in the PNG24 older IE6!

The original script is by conspirator to see

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Brazillian Wax Kuala Lumpur

mirusys CMS prevent new products website

After long preparations (name search, logo creation, Screen design creation and conceptual content, it is finally here:
Brunner AG has just published the mirusys ® CMS launched products site
Now, a lot of detailed information on the CMS features, extensive references to case studies and other interesting information. The intuitive CMS solution for SME's now apparent.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


dividing line with HR background image

Recently I wanted a nice dotted Dividing line on the website using CSS to create. As we know, however, the standard will be formatted with CSS in Internet Explorer 6.x (IE6) misrepresented. The browser inteprets as dotted dashed and dotted line appears then instead of dots, not what Absolut fits into the design. So I thought about the line to format so that the dotted graph is simply a background image.

On the Internet there is some information, but there are solutions that do not work or are just not made for a floated design.

Here are some examples that DO NOT worked in my case:
So I had no choice other than the solution of Marek Sovavsiti create an additional means of DIV element over the separating line (HR), which looks like this:


\u0026lt;div class = " hr "> \u0026lt;hr /> \u0026lt;/ div>

{height: 15px;
background: # fff url (.. / images / hr.gif) repeat-x scroll center;}

div # teaser hr
{display: none;}

Monday, August 11, 2008

How To Build A Vw Beachbuggy Frame

line break changes between word spacing (Mac Safari 3.x)

The MAC Safari browser from a 3.x version forces a line break between two words with a space eg in a menu (eg "About Us") . This is undesirable in my case and can be circumvented command with the following CSS:

white-space: nowrap;

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Examples Of Television Show Proposals

Google Algorithm

The search engine giant Google recently changed its algorithm. This would go further something really new, but these changes have had some influence on the search engine position (SERP's). More weight was given the timeliness of the site, what had long been anticipated and very meaningful. This move supports our philosophy of Google, with rapid and easy creation and modification of site content with a CMS such as predestined for mirusys the more.

lost value, however, have websites with subdomains which now no longer count as separate domains and the link popularity This may be due to the paid links ...

Source: Internet World

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What To Put With Heart Shaped Pasta

Transparent images via CSS

can an image relatively easily and quickly be set transparency with the following CSS definition:

/ * images 50% use transparent * /
div # head a: hover img {
filter: alpha (opacity = 50);-moz-opacity: 0.50; opacity: 0.50;}

Here, the values following browser types:

Internet Explorer: filter: alpha (opacity = 50); be
here must enter a value from 0 to 100. 100 stands for complete transparency.

Mozilla browser (Firefox, etc.):-moz-opacity: 0.50;
(value between 0 and 1)

Miscellaneous browser: opacity: 0.50;
(value between 0 and 1)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Usage Of Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Cleanser

mirusys CMS

is Finally: The Brunner Brunner AG has your CMS created a product name and logo: Per immediately called the CMS, " miru sys . "Miru" is Japanese and "see" means (WYSIWYG) and "sys" is from "System" (Content Managament System) is derived.
soon followed by the product's website and a lot more information such as screenshots, features, and demo ...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Why Do My Legs Ache In Bed

Float in Float IE6 margin wrong inherted div width bug - IE error: Inherited Div width will be floated margin wrongly assumed

products that this bug is NOT the known and frequently occurring IE Double Margin Bug and IE Inherited Margins on Form Elements Bug!


When a website with valid XHTML / CSS and floated levels (DIV elements that float in float) is the Internet Explorer 6, the margin width percentage of the parent element taken wrong, and therefore calculated wrong!

The IE6 browser calculates the percentage of the margin from the top division, ie. 100% of the total width (and not from the top Parent DIV (DIV Parent)! Ie in the planes is not the width of the margin more correctly inherited. When using the padding does not, however, this is the MARGIN.

valid source code, but are unable to view in IE6

following code, we have applied to our example, which produces the faulty float. It floated the box 3 is always down (while the whole thing has nothing to do with the Double Margin bug) as shown on the following screenshot is:

\u0026lt;div id = "page" >
\u0026lt;div id="content" style="background-color: yellow;">
<div id="group1573" class="cmsGroup" style="width: 50%; padding: 0%; background-color:red; display:block;">
<div id="cell2352" class="cmsCell" style="width: 99.6%; background-color:yellow;">
<p>Box 1</p>
<div id="cell3467" class="cmsCell" style="width: 22.58%; float: left; background-color: green; margin-right: 3.09%;">
<p>Box 2</p>
\u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;div
id="cell1574" class="cmsCell" style="width: 73.93%; background-color:#CC9966;">
\u0026lt;p> Box 3 \u0026lt;/ p>
\u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;/ body>

The matching Head Style Sheets are unchanged on all the examples on this page!

\u0026lt;style type="text/css">

body div.cmsGroup
{float: left;
display: inline;}

body div.cmsCell
{float: left;
display: block important;}

\u0026lt;/ style>

Fix / Solution: It is

obvious that the cell with ID cell3467 and defined: The "margin-right 3.09%" is calculated wrong - namely, real 16 pixels instead of 8 - "width DIV" and on the top base-value falls back (100% instead of 50 %). Here the distance between them 50% of the group # group1573 is ignored! Thus we have this group again after a layer (DIV) with a jump of 100% (width: 100%) define the proper width of real 3.09% (8 Px) to obtain.

It must now be created within the group once a plane with the following attributes:

\u0026lt;div style="width: 100%"

see the screenshot from this follows:

provides the complete and efficient source of this follows:

\u0026lt;div id="page">
\u0026lt;div id="content" style="background-color: yellow;">
\u0026lt;div id = "group1573" class = "cmsGroup" style="width: 50%; padding: 0%; background-color:red; display:block;">
<!-- Bugfix for IE6 related margin width --&gt
<div style="width: 100%">
<!-- E: Bugfix --&gt
<div id="cell2352" class="cmsCell" style="width: 99.6%; background-color:yellow;">
<p>Box 1</p>
<div id="cell3467" class="cmsCell" style="width: 22.58%; float: left; background-color: green; margin-right: 3.09%;">
<p>Box 2</p>
<div id="cell1574" class="cmsCell" style="width: 73.93%; background-color:#CC9966;">
<p>Box 3</p>
<!-- Bugfix for IE6 related margin width --&gt
<!-- E: Bugfix --&gt
\u0026lt;/ Div>
\u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;/ body>

proof of IE6 Float Margin Bug

following change shows the incorrect calculation of Margin Width. We have adapted the box 3 instead of 73.93% to 50%, so everything fits in the width of 99.6% of the group.

On this screenshot you can see the error: this

The Source:

\u0026lt;div id="page">
\u0026lt;div id = "content" style = "background-color: yellow;">
<div id="group1573" class="cmsGroup" style="width: 50%; padding: 0%; background-color:red; display:block;">
<div id="cell2352" class="cmsCell" style="width: 99.6%; background-color:yellow;">
<p>Box 1</p>
<div id="cell3467" class="cmsCell" style="width: 22.58%; float: left; background-color: green; margin-right: 3.09%;">
<p>Box 2</p>
\u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;div
id="cell1574" class="cmsCell" style="width: 50%; background-color:#CC9966;">
\u0026lt;p> Box 3 \u0026lt;/ p>
\u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;/ body>


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Broken Oven Carbon Mono

Dynamic Excel document by Brunner CMS export automatically create

means the Brunner CMS 4 allows a dynamic document using content from the CMS database (eg customer addresses from the shop) dynamically into a Microsoft Excel document . Export

That is, the exported Excel file is always matched against the current contents of the CMS database, which now means the customer can simply download link. Here, the technologies of the Brunner CMS get yourself in XSLT and XML are used which generate the required Excel format. The following setting must be considered in the XSLT, so after the customer-generated and custom Excel file is created:

 : \u0026lt;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>  
\u0026lt; ; xsl: stylesheet version = "1.0" xmlns: xsl = "" xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet">
<xsl:output method="xml" media-type="application/" />

<xsl:template match="/">
<Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:html="">

<DocumentProperties xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">
<LastAuthor>Brunner CMS 4.0</LastAuthor>


<xsl:for-each select="/root/loops/loop[@keyname='kundenanfragen']/item">
<Row ss:Height="25" ss:StyleID="s106">
<Cell ss:StyleID="s101">
<Data ss:Type="Number">
<xsl:value-of select="data/@pointer_id" />
<Cell ss:StyleID="s102">
<Data ss:Type="String">
<xsl:value-of select="data/produkt" />

\u0026lt;/ xsl: for-each>


Friday, February 15, 2008

Sample Introduction Letterinsurance Broker

loading speed optimized

This morning we were able to conclude the test phase for the Brunner CMS4 comes Geschwindikeitsoptimierung and publish the new version 163rd New all Javascript files (about 1000) in the CMS backend compressed (gzip, gz) software required.

The loading speed when you first call the backend CMS has doubled in a normal ADSL line and at a lower speed (300 kbit) quadrupled! There

interesting and more information is available at:
gzip-compressed Javascript and CSS to deliver effective

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Modification In Unregistered Partnership Deed

HTML form: Emptying an input field for selecting a pull-down menu

it is in a form in this case, two groups of fields have a dependency on each other. So there are two field groups (fieldset), the first with an input: a text area and a pull-down (select) menu, the second fieldset contains only a pulldown (select) menu. If one now on the second pull down menu which selects (Javascript event "onchange"), so, all three fields (input, select and text area) are emptied from the first fieldset.

This is done as follows:

  1. First, the form must be given a name:

    \u0026lt;form name="form">

  2. The first group of fields has a text area, an input and a pull box and is as follows:

    \u0026lt;textarea name = "impressive address" cols = "21" rows = "3" style = " width: 250px ;">\u0026lt;/ textarea>

    \u0026lt;input type="text" name="EindruckKonto" size="25" style="width: 250px;">

    \u0026lt; select name = "A4_mit_ES" style = "width: 366px;>

    \u0026lt;option value="Bitte select Please select aus"> \u0026lt;option You off \u0026lt;/ option>
    value="3000 Ex."> 3000 Ex \u0026lt;/ option>
    \u0026lt;option value="5000 Ex."> 5000 Ex \u0026lt;/ select option>


  3. The second group of fields, will receive a selection (select) with 3 options:

    \u0026lt;option value="Bitte select aus"> Please select \u0026lt;/ option>

    \u0026lt;option value="5000 Ex."> 5000 Ex \u0026lt;/ option>

    \u0026lt;option value="10000 Ex."> 6000 copies \u0026lt;/ option>

    \u0026lt; ; / select>

  4. Now there is the condition that if one chooses in the second group from the pull a different value, the input, the text area drained field using Javascript and the pull down menu are set to the initial value:

    We add the pulldown menu, select the days following attribute to:


    order now Fields to empty, we fill in the following attribute values:
  5. JavaScript
    document. form. impressive account value ='';.
    document. form. impressive address value ='';.

    It is form for the form name and impressive account and impressive address for the fields name.

    used To reset now the pulldown menu (Select) to the initial value to document the following command

    . form. . A4_mit_ES selectedIndex = 0;

    This form is for the form name and A4_mit_ES for the field name.

    composite of this looks as follows:

    \u0026lt;select name = "A4-ES-105" onChange = "JavaScript: document.form.EindruckKonto.value =''; document.form.EindruckAdresse.value = ''; document.form.A4_mit_ES.selectedIndex = 0; ">

Total HTML - Code:

\u0026lt;form method =" post "action =" action.php "name = "form">

\u0026lt;fieldset title="Adresse">
\u0026lt;legend> first Address \u0026lt;/ legend>
\u0026lt;textarea name="EindruckAdresse" cols="21" rows="3" style="width: 250px;"> \u0026lt;/ textarea>
\u0026lt;input type = " text "name =" impressive account "size =" 25 "style =" width: 250px;>
\u0026lt;select name="A4_mit_ES" style="width: 366px;">
\u0026lt;option value = "Please select"> Please select \u0026lt;/ option>
\u0026lt;option value="3000 Ex."> 3000 Ex \u0026lt;/ option>
\u0026lt;option value="5000 Ex."> 5000 Ex \u0026lt;/ option>
\u0026lt;/ select> ;
\u0026lt;/ fieldset>
\u0026lt;fieldset title="Adresse 2">
\u0026lt;legend> second Address \u0026lt;/ legend>
\u0026lt;select name = "A4-ES-105" onChange = "JavaScript: document.form.EindruckKonto.value =''; document.form.EindruckAdresse.value =''; document.forms . A4_mit_ES.selectedIndex = 0; ">
\u0026lt;option value="Bitte select aus"> Please select \u0026lt;/ option>
\u0026lt;option value="5000 Ex."> 5000 Ex \u0026lt;/ option>
\u0026lt;/ select> \u0026lt;option value="10000 Ex."> 6000 copies \u0026lt;/ option>

\u0026lt;/ fieldset>

\u0026lt;/ form>

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hysterectomy Andcervical Mucus

CMS and SEO - supposedly without ties, in fact, close friends

For Advertising Club Central Switzerland Brunner Thomas Fischer of AG, print and media, Kriens on Monday 21 AAL January in Lucerne on trends and future scenarios in online marketing speak.

In particular, the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) and the role of the CMS, as appropriate, explained. Following the presentation was the discussion and during the cocktail parties the opportunity to work with the web specialists Brunner to engage in conversation and to clarify open questions.

more information and SEO measures which the Brunner CMS already supports standard, there is the following link: Brunner CMS and SEO

Friday, January 11, 2008

Nautical Star Tattoos Guys

XHTML valid flash file integrate, with alternate image

To include a proper Flash animation which also W3C valid XHTML code generated and automatically for non-existing Macromedia Flash displays an alternative image, then the proper code to be used:

\u0026lt;object type = "application / x-shockwave-flash "data =" "id =" flash movie "codebase ="
shockwave / cabs / flash /
# version = 6,0,0,0 "height =" 40 "width =" 315 ">

\u0026lt;param name="movie" value="" />
\u0026lt;param name = "quality" value = "best" />
\u0026lt;param name="quality" value="false" />
\u0026lt;param name="play" value="true" />
\u0026lt;- alternative Image -> \u0026lt;img src="images/bg_navi.jpg" alt="logo" id="flashimage" height="40" width="315" /> \u0026lt;- end alternative image - >

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Fibroids And Meralgia Paresthetica

CSS Fonts standardization

common problem of object use with relative font sizes is to normalize the font size. This is a fixed physical font size of 13 pixels (using the Yahoo YUI Fonts CSS ) defines what is in the main CSS file inside loaded as follows:

@ import url ("fonts.css");

From here on, all fonts with percentages specified relative, based on the 13 pixels. For example, a font size of 12 pixels by 93% is defined as follows:

content div # p, div # content li, div # content td p {font
-size: 93%;

div # content li li {
font-size: 100%;}

These CSS properties all font sizes can be on almost all browsers display the same font size in which it will be in our CMS backend WYSIWYG editor (TinyMCE) pixels accurately. This provides, incidentally, the relative font sizes display for accessible websites.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

How To Unlock The Number Lock System In Bags

page when calling print directly

There are always pages are printed on the website with the high-resolution images and logos. Now this is the Brunner CMS using a master copy and the associated print CSS. These can be customized according to your wishes. The page you requested can Ausdrukcen to the visitor either by link, a browser menu (File - Print Preview) or directly with the following JavaScript command in the HTML code on the page to be in a "cell script" is executed:

print ("

\u0026lt;script language="Javascript">
window.print ();
\u0026lt;/ script> ;
