Friday, February 15, 2008

Sample Introduction Letterinsurance Broker

loading speed optimized

This morning we were able to conclude the test phase for the Brunner CMS4 comes Geschwindikeitsoptimierung and publish the new version 163rd New all Javascript files (about 1000) in the CMS backend compressed (gzip, gz) software required.

The loading speed when you first call the backend CMS has doubled in a normal ADSL line and at a lower speed (300 kbit) quadrupled! There

interesting and more information is available at:
gzip-compressed Javascript and CSS to deliver effective

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Modification In Unregistered Partnership Deed

HTML form: Emptying an input field for selecting a pull-down menu

it is in a form in this case, two groups of fields have a dependency on each other. So there are two field groups (fieldset), the first with an input: a text area and a pull-down (select) menu, the second fieldset contains only a pulldown (select) menu. If one now on the second pull down menu which selects (Javascript event "onchange"), so, all three fields (input, select and text area) are emptied from the first fieldset.

This is done as follows:

  1. First, the form must be given a name:

    \u0026lt;form name="form">

  2. The first group of fields has a text area, an input and a pull box and is as follows:

    \u0026lt;textarea name = "impressive address" cols = "21" rows = "3" style = " width: 250px ;">\u0026lt;/ textarea>

    \u0026lt;input type="text" name="EindruckKonto" size="25" style="width: 250px;">

    \u0026lt; select name = "A4_mit_ES" style = "width: 366px;>

    \u0026lt;option value="Bitte select Please select aus"> \u0026lt;option You off \u0026lt;/ option>
    value="3000 Ex."> 3000 Ex \u0026lt;/ option>
    \u0026lt;option value="5000 Ex."> 5000 Ex \u0026lt;/ select option>


  3. The second group of fields, will receive a selection (select) with 3 options:

    \u0026lt;option value="Bitte select aus"> Please select \u0026lt;/ option>

    \u0026lt;option value="5000 Ex."> 5000 Ex \u0026lt;/ option>

    \u0026lt;option value="10000 Ex."> 6000 copies \u0026lt;/ option>

    \u0026lt; ; / select>

  4. Now there is the condition that if one chooses in the second group from the pull a different value, the input, the text area drained field using Javascript and the pull down menu are set to the initial value:

    We add the pulldown menu, select the days following attribute to:


    order now Fields to empty, we fill in the following attribute values:
  5. JavaScript
    document. form. impressive account value ='';.
    document. form. impressive address value ='';.

    It is form for the form name and impressive account and impressive address for the fields name.

    used To reset now the pulldown menu (Select) to the initial value to document the following command

    . form. . A4_mit_ES selectedIndex = 0;

    This form is for the form name and A4_mit_ES for the field name.

    composite of this looks as follows:

    \u0026lt;select name = "A4-ES-105" onChange = "JavaScript: document.form.EindruckKonto.value =''; document.form.EindruckAdresse.value = ''; document.form.A4_mit_ES.selectedIndex = 0; ">

Total HTML - Code:

\u0026lt;form method =" post "action =" action.php "name = "form">

\u0026lt;fieldset title="Adresse">
\u0026lt;legend> first Address \u0026lt;/ legend>
\u0026lt;textarea name="EindruckAdresse" cols="21" rows="3" style="width: 250px;"> \u0026lt;/ textarea>
\u0026lt;input type = " text "name =" impressive account "size =" 25 "style =" width: 250px;>
\u0026lt;select name="A4_mit_ES" style="width: 366px;">
\u0026lt;option value = "Please select"> Please select \u0026lt;/ option>
\u0026lt;option value="3000 Ex."> 3000 Ex \u0026lt;/ option>
\u0026lt;option value="5000 Ex."> 5000 Ex \u0026lt;/ option>
\u0026lt;/ select> ;
\u0026lt;/ fieldset>
\u0026lt;fieldset title="Adresse 2">
\u0026lt;legend> second Address \u0026lt;/ legend>
\u0026lt;select name = "A4-ES-105" onChange = "JavaScript: document.form.EindruckKonto.value =''; document.form.EindruckAdresse.value =''; document.forms . A4_mit_ES.selectedIndex = 0; ">
\u0026lt;option value="Bitte select aus"> Please select \u0026lt;/ option>
\u0026lt;option value="5000 Ex."> 5000 Ex \u0026lt;/ option>
\u0026lt;/ select> \u0026lt;option value="10000 Ex."> 6000 copies \u0026lt;/ option>

\u0026lt;/ fieldset>

\u0026lt;/ form>